
August 16, 2005

 Rider Team Place Field
Savage Hill Cycling Team Archive 
Cat 1-2-3 
Savage Hill Cycling Team Archive 
Cat 1-2-3 
  Jeremy Grimm: 3rd, Cat 1-2-3
Jeremy Grimm
Stay on the bike don't Fall Off! That's what I told myself when Chris Anderson? cut me off. Intentionally? I don't know, I never confronted him. I don't even know his name. I think his name was Chris, but he was wearing a Torelli Jersey with blue green shorts. When I mean cut me off that means his back wheel into my front wheel. Now this sort of thing happens in races all the time but he had followed a faster wheel in front of him and didn't have any courtesy of the riders behind him. I am sure he did it to other riders last night as well, because he did it to me twice. The second time he didn't get my wheel cause when I saw him, I hit the brakes and apologized to the riders behind me. I guess he is just getting me ready for Nationals! If I have done this to anyone reading my Race report please let me know. JCGrimm7@aol.com Last night I thought I saw a wreck in front of me. My eyes are playing tricks on me.

Rish is riding strong, glad he is on the same team. He pulled back a break and I thought I was going to get dropped! Thanks Ryan! I worked hard the first couple of laps and sat in the rest. I am glad I have some form back but no where close for Nationals. Pray for no wrecks. I hope I can help the team in the end, if I am still there. The 30+ race will be fun it's only 45 min long so I am sure it will hurt for that amount of time.

Thank you Lord for my saftey. Please be with everyone traveling and also during the races. Lord also be with all of my friends and there health as well. I thank you Lord for blessing me and giving me the ability to do what I can with the amount of time I have spent on cycling. Thank you Father. Amen.